안드로이드 Zoom SDK 연동하기

Joyce Hong
3 min readMar 26, 2021



다운로드를 한다. 여기 들어가서 나와있는 SDK 파일을!

일단 현재 프로젝트를 생성했다고 치고, library 를 intergrating 하는 것이다.

  1. How to integrate

It was quite different from the document page to integrate zoom SDK into the existing project.

이런식으로 mobilertc.aar 과 commonlib.arr 두개를 import 해준다.

그리고 나서 build.gradle(Module:app) 에서

이렇게 두줄을 추가해준다.

2. Access Credential 생성하기

일단 웹인 경우에는 API Key + Secret 형태가 되어야 하는데, Android 인 경우에는 SDK Key + Secret 형태로 진행하게 된다.

SDK Key 와 Secret 은 SDK 앱을 인증하는 데에 쓰이게 된다. 어카운트 레벨이며 한 어카운트당 한 개 씩만 생성이 된다.

아래 링크로 들어가서 SDK App 을 만들자.

Zoom 가입안했으면 가입먼저..

우리는 SDK 를 선택하자

App Credential 이 생성되었다.

  1. Make Credentials class

2. Write code in MainACtivity.kt

So, first thing first, we need to initialize zoom SDK. I’ve made a Credentials class where SDK_KEY, SDK_SECRET, SDK_DOMAIN exist.

3. Join a personal meeting without login.

So, we need to be clear about terms that might seem ambiguous at first glance.

  • Meeting ID: It is a meeting ID that users can use when they want to enter a certain meeting room.
  • Personal Meeting ID: Each one of the people, who have a zoom account has their own Meeting ID that usually consists of 10–11 digits. (like 855–4772–1747). It means that the number is original, so whenever users want to enter your own meeting, they only need your personal meeting ID and password to get in.
  • Vanity ID: At first sight, I thought that Vanity ID is identical with Personal Meeting ID but actually it was not. So, if you want to acquire vanity ID, you should be either
private fun initZoomSdk(){
val initParams = ZoomSDKInitParams().apply {
appKey = Credentials.SDK_KEY
appSecret = Credentials.SDK_SECRET
domain = Credentials.SDK_DOMAIN

zoomSDK = ZoomSDK.getInstance()
zoomSDK.initialize(this, this, initParams)
private fun startMeeting(){
if(!zoomSDK.isInitialized) {
Toast.makeText(this, "ZoomSDK has not been initialized successfully", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

val opts = JoinMeetingOptions()

opts.no_driving_mode = true;
opts.no_invite = true;
opts.no_meeting_end_message = true;
opts.no_titlebar = true;
opts.no_bottom_toolbar = true;

val joinMeetingParams = JoinMeetingParams()
joinMeetingParams.displayName = auth.currentUser?.displayName?: "Anonymous"
joinMeetingParams.vanityID = vanityId;
joinMeetingParams.password = meetingPassword;

val int = meetingService.joinMeetingWithParams(this, joinMeetingParams, opts)


나는 vanity ID 로 미팅에 입장을 할 것임 .

vanity ID 는 다른 말로 하면 아이디당 하나씩 부여된 고유의 ID 이다.

Personal meeting ID and personal link are two ways to access your personal meeting room. Your personal meeting room is a virtual room that is permanently reserved for you. You can start it at any time or schedule it for future use.

Vanity ID == Personal Meeting ID 와 같은 말이다.

이것때문에 엄청 헷갈렸는데 일단 줌 프로파일링크 들어가보면 PersonalMeetingID 가 있다.

Customizing your personal link

  • Licensed user on a Business or Education Plan



Joyce Hong
Joyce Hong

Written by Joyce Hong

Blockchain, Android Developer | Share the knowledge 🌏 | Defi will rule the world one day

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